Lines About Naraku

Sixteenth Episode: Mystical Hand Of The Amorous Monk, Miroku
"He is malicious and devours people. That's all I know." - Miroku

"It is said that Naraku nearly got the Shikon no Tama 50 years ago after killing the miko protecting it." - Miroku

"He laid a trap for Kikyou and me, and made us hate each other.The one who killed Kikyou is still alive and is after the Shikon no Tama." - Inu Yasha

Nineteenth Episode: Go Home To Your Own Time, Kagome!
"Naraku was the one responsible for the Kazaana in Miroku's right hand." - Shippou

Twentieth Episode: Despicable Villain! The Mystery of Onigumo!
He tricked you into terrorizing the village and going after the Shikon no Tama." - Kaede

Twenty-Third Episode: Kagome's Voice And Kikyou's Kiss
He caused hatred between myself and InuYasha then stole the Shikon no Tama that had been sullied."- Kikyou