Naraku's Past

Onigumo's Past
Onigumo had a burn mark in the shape of a spider on his back. He worked with a bandit named Rasetsu Kansuske. But Onigumo was already planning on betraying him. Onigumo was a great evil even as a human. Onigumo informed Rasetsu of the Shikon no Tama and how it could fulfill any wish. He told Rasetsu to go alone. He didn't expect him to come back alive cause he knew of the hanyou InuYasha. When Rasetsu attempted to kill Kikyou for the Shikon no Tama, InuYasha caught the arrow, and then Rasetsu attempted to use his sword which broke and went straight into his right eye. Onigumo had it planned from the start to have Rasetsu killed so his men would work for him. It was a trap as Onigumo expected the hanyou to kill Rasetsu.

Rasetsu Returns/ Onigumo's Fate
When Rasetsu returned, his men went back to following him. Rasetsu lit the fuse on a bomb and expected Onigumo to die in the explosion but he didn't. So then Onigumo was tossed off a cliff and into Kikyou's village. That is how Kikyou ended up taking care of Onigumo. Onigumo did tell her that she shouldn't waste her time on him but she continued and he started lusting for her. Since Kikyou's power was weakening youkai were able to pursuade him to sell his soul and he thought he would finally get Kikyou and the Shikon no Tama. But after Kikyou's death he was trapped in an infinitely dark place for fifty years by Naraku..

Naraku decides to send his human heart out (Onigumo). Because Naraku is a collection of youkai using Onigumo as a connector, many youkai came out mixed with Musou. Musou was badly burned as Onigumo and because of that he didn't have a face. Musou didn't remember who he was. He went around killing men and stealing thier faces. But all of the ones he was coming across was ugly to him. That was until he met the monk Musou. He stole his face, name and clothes.

Familiar Village
Musou did try to kill the villagers in Kaede village but InuYasha stopped him. The village seemed familiar to him but he didn't know why. He said that if he killed those villagers he'll remember something. Naraku's Saimyashou (poisonous insects) can also make new limbs for him. Musou regenerates and that makes him hard to kill. His weak point is his heart (where the spider mark is). He can also transform. He told InuYasha he wanted money and girls but was still unsatisfied. When Musou saw Kagome he thought she was Kikyou and attempted to kidnap her. He thought that Kagome was the girl he wanted.

Memory of Kikyou
Musou didn't recover his memory until he went back to the cave where Kikyou took care of him in. He laid in the same spot he was in when Kikyou took care of him. At that moment Kikyou's face and name came to mind and he went to the entrance screaming Kikyou. He remembered that he wanted Kikyou so bad that he didn't care if he had to sell his soul to get her. He still thought Kagome was Kikyou and when he realized she wasn't, he grew more upset when he realized she just looked like her.

When everyone thought that Musou defeated Naraku, Naraku was using his attack as his chance to re-absorb Musou. Musou ended up being re-absorbed into Naraku because Naraku hadn't completely broke off with him. While being absorbed Musou called out Kikyou's name numerous times.