Naraku's Profile

Before Naraku had a new body courtesy of Oniumo, there was a red spider causing trouble. He tried to have both Tsubaki and Kikyou killed once. This spider was deceptive. Since Kikyou's powers were weakening from falling in love with InuYasha, the spider youkai used it to his advantage to offer the weak Onigumo everything he wanted. Onigumo could finally get the young woman and the Shikon no Tama if he sold his soul to youkai. Onigumo agreed and hudreds of youkai merged with him making Naraku. Naraku sent an army of youkai to attack Kikyou's village for the Shikon no Tama but they were defeated.

Tainted Shikon no Tama
All the youkai that were used to create Naraku despised Kikyou. Naraku only wanted the Shikon no Tama and Kikyou's death. But he also wanted the Shikon no Tama to be tainted. Kikyou kept the Shikon no Tama pure. The only way for him to taint it was for Kikyou to be filled with hate and bitterness. The Shikon no Tama would then become unclean and filled with negative energy which was beautiful to him.

Naraku observed the entire thing with Kikyou and InuYasha the whole time. He went to Kikyou the night before she was to give InuYasha the Shikon no Tama. Disguised as InuYasha he asked for the Shikon no Tama and she insists that the night is rife with evil and told him to wait until morning. The next morning is when he attacks Kikyou as InuYasha telling her he never intended to become human for her. He broke the shell with the lipstick and took the Shikon no Tama and said that it needed more bitterness so he'll kill the villagers. Soon after his disguise changed to Kikyou. He shot arrrows at InuYasha repeatedly calling him hanyou. InuYasha had said in one episode that anyone calling him hanyou would die. InuYasha ran off to steal the Shikon no Tama.

Plans didn't work out
Naraku's plans didn't work out the way he wanted. Kikyou did seal InuYasha to the tree with the Fuuyin no Ya but she chose death instead of wishing on the Shikon no Tama and tainting it.

Miroku's Grandfather
A monk named Miyatsu attempted to get rid of Naraku. The battles lasted several years and each time they met Naraku was a different person. Then one day disguised as a beautiful woman, Naraku pierced his right hand with the seals. His right hand would have the Kazaana which would eventually suck him in unless he killed Naraku. It's a curse that will pass to all of Miyatsu's descendants until one kills Naraku.

Shikon no Tama returned
Fifty years later the Shikon no Tama returns and is shattered by Kagome. Naraku is quick to obtain as many shards as possible and use anyone he can to get them. He took the human form of young lord Kagewaki and convinced the youkai slayer village to send his village thier best to fight youkai there. They did send thier best but Kohaku was possessed and killed all of the slayers and almost killed his sister Sango. It was all a trap set up by Naraku just to get the best slayers out the village.

He informed the neighboring youkai of thier village that the guard was down that night. The youkai already had a grudge on the slayer village and took it out on them that night killing everyone. Naraku while taking care of Sango used her also by making it seem as if InuYasha killed her villagers. His youkai puppet later mentions what really happened to InuYasha and Sango overhears it. He tells her she should have just killed InuYasha at least then she could have died with her soul at peace.

Because of Onigumo's heart Naraku is a hanyou but unlike most hanyou he can pick his period of weakness. So he controls it. At those times he's testing, he makes the stronger parts combine in different ways to become stronger. He disposes of anything he doesn't need.

Kohaku is a young boy Naraku brought back with the Shikon no Tama. Naraku uses him against InuYasha. Kohaku is Sango's younger brother and his memories of what happened to his family were to painful and were erased by Naraku. Naraku did this because a boy with no memory is easier to control. In the last chapter of the Manga Kohaku does have his memory back but Naraku is after him for his shard of the Shikon no Tama.

Naraku doesn't do a lot of the fighting himself. He's the one that controls what goes on. He makes incarnations of himself to fight InuYasha but they have all failed. He can also make youkai puppets and can watch what’s going on safely inside his castle until the puppet is killed. He has spies known as Saimyashou (poisonious insects). They inform him of anything going on. They are also used against Miroku's Kazaana. If Mirkou sucked in too many it could kill him.

The Human Heart
Naraku has tried to twice to rid himself of Onigumo's heart. Onigumo's feelings for Kikyou prevent him from killing her. The first time he sends it out, it comes out as Musou and it's too early because he's not truly seperate from Onigumo. The next time it's as a baby Akago. I've been keeping up with the Manga and Naraku has once again absorbed his human heart, this time it's to kill Kikyou again.

Future Plans
Naraku still wants the Shikon no Tama. Besides using it to become a Taiyoukai he hasn't revealed much of anything else he will do. Even though he's one of my favorite characters, I doubt he'll be allowed to live. He has so many enemies and I'm not sure which one will eventually kill him.